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Many people are unaware that pineapples, unlike bananas, do not ripen after they’re picked. This is a common misconception, and it often leads to disappointment when trying to enjoy a fresh pineapple at its best.

Unlike bananas and some other fruits, pineapples remain at the same level of ripeness as when they are harvested. Once picked, they won’t become sweeter or softer. This means it’s crucial to select a ripe pineapple at the store.

Here’s how to spot a ripe one: look for a pineapple with a golden color. If the pineapple is mostly green, it will stay that way—it won’t ripen further, and the fruit will be sour and less enjoyable. A ripe pineapple, golden in color, is sweet and juicy, with even the core being deliciously edible.

Ripe pineapples are not always easy to find, but when you do come across one, they stand out from the rest. So next time you’re at the store, remember to pick a golden pineapple for the best flavor.

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